Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Leave Britney Alone!"

I know I tend to use the word "obsessed" too commonly. I'll use it to describe my roommates interested in everything Green. I'll use it for my love for Arctic Monkeys. I'll, as well as my others, will over use it to the point of diminishing it's impact, but today I saw a real act of obsession. On the youtube video Britney Fan Cries, this fan really demonstrates what it means to be obsessed to the point of disillusionment. He cries and yells for Britney's pain, and defends her actions as if they were his own. Quite possibly the best part of the entire plea is the fact that he is clearly filming this from underneath his bed-sheets. More than likely this poor fan is no more than 15, and hiding under his blankets in order to drown out pounding fists of his parents on his bedroom door.

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