Thursday, November 29, 2007

Share the Wealth

Tonight my roommate and I decide we would make a delicious, home cooked meal, so we popped on to a cooking website and found a recipe that appealed to us. We unfortunately, automatically assumed that if its on the internet, then its reliable. We didn't take into account that the site was a shareware website. Anyone, anywhere, with any idea for a dish, was able to post something. Now a days this is so common that many of us don't think twice about the creditability of the information we are looking at. To my generation, Wikipedia is a dependable source of truthful information, and Youtube is an educational device. We need to stop and think that people may not know what they are talking, just like our recipe. Needless to say we ended up eating salad.

Spreading the Holiday Cheer

Now a days every business is trying to create some new way to attract customers. Prints ads and commercials just aren't enough anymore. Even Office Max has added a seasonal interactive application where you can create yourself as an elf. It seems to have caught on fast. Within a day two people in different states told me about it. This is one that my boyfriend made out of sheer boredom.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tables Turning

GDS&M has always been a big deal in Austin. Normally they are getting publicity for the work they are putting out and their fun and interactive organizational culture. Unfortunately now that's not the case now. GSD&M has been laying off people of left and right, and has also been losing them. One agency that has been attracting some of GSD&M's former employees is Door Number 3. I was, and still am, really interested into Door Number 3 for an internship because of their free flowing and light-hearted atmosphere. Their clients are mostly local businesses but looking at their work, no wonder they reputation is growing. Above is some of this work.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Some people just shouldn't be together

There are couples out there that should have never gotten together. There's Britney and K-Fed, Whitney and Bobby, and the couple I witnessed at the Verizon store. I was amazed that these two people would even have the desire to have a relationship together. To start off they didn't even look like they belonged together. She looked like she stepped straight out of a Hawthorne Heights music video with her black hoodie and thick, dark eyeliner. He seemed like he just came back from late night at a fraternity party with his liquid stained, light green polo, and worn in Sperry Top-siders. For the 30 minutes they were there, they bickered and quietly fought over menial things like the photos on his phone and how that one time he blew her off for a concert. If you don't enjoy each other's presence, why drag it on?

Monday, November 19, 2007

Don't judge a book by it's cover

Have you ever wondered if people judge you on the way you look? We all been taught we shouldn't do it, but that doesn't mean we don't. We may look at hairstyles, clothes, tattoos, piercings, gender or even skin color, and jump to some conclusions in our minds. Now a days the importance of equality has been bred into us at a very early age, rightfully so, but does that mean it happens? I'm wondering if the little life lesson of "don't judge a book by it's cover" has really sunk in.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Foggy Night

San Francisco is supposed to be known for their fog, not Austin. When driving home, I could barely see 10 feet in front of me, and it was a bit exhilarating. I know the 20 minute drive to my house so well that the fact that not even the reflectors were visible was not a problem. I would get an adrenaline rush just like on a roller coaster, going up and down the hills towards my house. It felt like I was in a dream, only relying on my instincts. Probably not the best way to drive but it was quite an experience.

I didn't know Christmas was in November.

Christmas seems to be coming earlier and earlier every year. This year I saw shops getting ready for the holiday season before Thanksgiving had occured. Employee's were set up in HEB dressed as elves handing out Christmas cookies and other festive foods a week before Thanksgiving. There was even a Santa walking around the store greeting customers. I understand that businesses are trying to prolong the holiday shopping as long as possible but when is too early? Personally I thought pre-Thanksgiving was too early but it must be working if they bump it up every year.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gifts that keep on giving

Everyone has gotten a gift that they just don't want and just don't know what to do with it. I always get gifts from my uncle that makes me wonder what he was thinking. He gave me a hair braiding kit right I cut my hair short, and a Toy R Us gift card when I turned 15. But those are easily enough regiftable, its the big gifts that are a problem. My boyfriend was given a dog, a dog in which he didn't want, didn't have time to take care of, and didn't know how to take care of. This pug is the most hyper, unruly pet I have ever come across, but unfortunately he is one of the cutest dogs as well. He (my boyfriend) is in a bit of a classic catch 22. He doesn't want to deal with this crazy dog while in college, but also doesn't want to give him away and offend the giver of the gift. My words of advise, always consider the repercussions for the recipient upon getting the gift.

Pressed for ideas and time

Oh the crisis' in a sorority. As homecoming chair, I dealt with many mini crisis' this past week. As stereotypical as it is, we had a great t-shirt debate. No design would satisfy all executive members. I was able to throw together a design last minute that seemed to satisfy both the boys and girls involved. I have had to exercise my creative thinking in various forms. I put to use all of my freshly learned marketing skills to help our candidate campaign, designed and created our float and window design, and created out decorative Peruna. I was certainly unaware of how much stress tissue paper, acrylic paint, and a wooden Peruna could cause.

This is a picture of the shirt that I designed late at night, the night before, using google and word. This a little sad in my awful proof but it turned out well.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ugly Beautiful

It's so difficult to define beauty now a days, especially in fashion. Designers are now producing products that are so out there and so against the traditional fashion rules that they are trendy. Nike as come out with a "classic" style of old school high tops with a new twist on them. Different styles have fannel, neon colors, grid patterns, even some with the Transformer logo. Rather than being sold mainly at athletic stores, they are commonly found in expensive boutiques. These ugly beautiful designs are becoming increasingly more popular, which I tribute to the fact that standing out and being an individual is currently so important.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


There is nothing better than a cup of hot soup on a cold day. It really just warms you all over. It's just like the Campbell's Holiday commercial with the snow man who turns into a kid. Every time I see that commercial I know that Christmas is right around the corner, and to prepared myself for a cold winter with some steaming soup. Mmm mmm..good.