Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Art or Vandalism
Is graffiti always vandalism or can it be art? Not all graffiti negatively defaces property, sometimes it even beautifies an area. Should it still be considered bad if it improves, and where to draw the line?
Monday, December 3, 2007
My feeling with E-cards is they are good for a laugh or a smile but not much more. Sending an E card for condolence or a birthday instead of sending a real card takes away some of the thought and effort. It's not that much harder to go out and get a Hallmark card, and it means so much more. E-cards aren't nearly as bad an E-invites. If I get an E-invite I automatically assume I am not going to attend the event. My logic is that if one of my close friends were organizing something they would just call me up and invite me personally. If it was a more formal event calling for an actual invite I would expect a printed invitation. So more than likely the person inviting me through To me an E-invite is the ideal way to invite people you may not know very well to an event. It's also great for mass inviting. Its a money and time saver.
A different perspective
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Office is Closed
The Office is one of my favorite shows, so naturally I was pretty depressed when they started showing reruns to deal with the writers strike. I used to religiously watch the new expisode every Thursday night either on TV or the internet. It was a pretty good set up because I didn't have to be that kid planning their life around a TV show, but I had no clue how big of a problem the internet viewing has caused. I don't watch many other shows but I know that the writers of The Office are brilliant, and they totally deserve to be compensated for every penny they have earned and more.
I was blown away when I saw this clip. I have never witnessed anything like this. I am actually quite impressed with the parents. Their daughter was being said to be the reincarnation of Vishnu, and yet they still made the decision to improve her life and go through with the surgery, even though much of the public was upset. I am also amazed at the extent of what medicine can do these days. They practically removed half of her body and she will not only recover but be able to live a normal life now.
Spring....er.. Winter cleaning
When the time finally comes that you absolutely can not go another day with out cleaning out your purse, or desk, or closet, or under the bed, what ever it may be, it's always interesting to look back on all you've done. It's really fun to see just how much how much you've done, and its nice to be validated that you aren't just a couch potato. It's also pretty sad to me to see just how little I clean out my purse.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
1984 remix
When I first saw this commercial, I thought it was a remake of the Apple commercial 1984. It's shot in a very similar manner. Both have drone like people marching in a straight line towards some force trying to standardize them. Then there is the rebel that resists the flow and stands up. Even the lighting and set were similar. The ending message for each stressed the importance of the individual. It makes me wonder whether this was just a coincidence or if Union happened to borrow some ideas from the Apple ad.
In looking for the commercial above, I stumbled across this little gem. It was very unexpected from Jockey. When I think Jockey, I think classic, family oriented,and traditional, not a more edgy and a bit risque. Even though they don't say what the two balls represent, it become very apparently early on. Jockey must be wanting to revamp their image. Trying to stray away from being known for their little boys tighty whitey's they seem to be targeting older, more mature men.
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