Tuesday, October 2, 2007


For me inspiration comes from taking a closer look at things around me. For one friend, it comes from listening to music and then trying to write. For another, it comes from the people around her. I love that fact that three different people can look at the same thing and come up with completely different thoughts or ideas. Last night I was trying to get inspired to blog and had been doodling on a piece of paper. My friend grabbed a pen and started elaborating on the squiggles and shapes I had jotted down. A lighting bolt turned into the Specialized bikes logo, which was soon the Gatorade symbol, then it was Superman's chest plate, which turned into the Harry Potter H, and so on and so on. I would have never thought to create the squiggle into most of the things that my friend drew. I while I was looking around the room for inspiration, he was racking his brain for previous experiences. Inspiration does not have a formula, although I'm sure someone, somewhere has tried to define it. Everyone grabs inspirations for different places, which allows us to create things that we wouldn't have been able to create on our own.

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