Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Art or Vandalism

Is graffiti always vandalism or can it be art? Not all graffiti negatively defaces property, sometimes it even beautifies an area. Should it still be considered bad if it improves, and where to draw the line?

Monday, December 3, 2007


My feeling with E-cards is they are good for a laugh or a smile but not much more. Sending an E card for condolence or a birthday instead of sending a real card takes away some of the thought and effort. It's not that much harder to go out and get a Hallmark card, and it means so much more. E-cards aren't nearly as bad an E-invites. If I get an E-invite I automatically assume I am not going to attend the event. My logic is that if one of my close friends were organizing something they would just call me up and invite me personally. If it was a more formal event calling for an actual invite I would expect a printed invitation. So more than likely the person inviting me through To me an E-invite is the ideal way to invite people you may not know very well to an event. It's also great for mass inviting. Its a money and time saver.

A different perspective

Some times we need to take a closer look at the things around us. Even things we are so familiar with can seem so foreign from a different perspective. These may just be pictures I took around my apartment by are you able to figure things out the first time?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Office is Closed

The Office is one of my favorite shows, so naturally I was pretty depressed when they started showing reruns to deal with the writers strike. I used to religiously watch the new expisode every Thursday night either on TV or the internet. It was a pretty good set up because I didn't have to be that kid planning their life around a TV show, but I had no clue how big of a problem the internet viewing has caused. I don't watch many other shows but I know that the writers of The Office are brilliant, and they totally deserve to be compensated for every penny they have earned and more.


I was blown away when I saw this clip. I have never witnessed anything like this. I am actually quite impressed with the parents. Their daughter was being said to be the reincarnation of Vishnu, and yet they still made the decision to improve her life and go through with the surgery, even though much of the public was upset. I am also amazed at the extent of what medicine can do these days. They practically removed half of her body and she will not only recover but be able to live a normal life now.

Spring....er.. Winter cleaning

When the time finally comes that you absolutely can not go another day with out cleaning out your purse, or desk, or closet, or under the bed, what ever it may be, it's always interesting to look back on all you've done. It's really fun to see just how much how much you've done, and its nice to be validated that you aren't just a couch potato. It's also pretty sad to me to see just how little I clean out my purse.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

1984 remix

When I first saw this commercial, I thought it was a remake of the Apple commercial 1984. It's shot in a very similar manner. Both have drone like people marching in a straight line towards some force trying to standardize them. Then there is the rebel that resists the flow and stands up. Even the lighting and set were similar. The ending message for each stressed the importance of the individual. It makes me wonder whether this was just a coincidence or if Union happened to borrow some ideas from the Apple ad.


In looking for the commercial above, I stumbled across this little gem. It was very unexpected from Jockey. When I think Jockey, I think classic, family oriented,and traditional, not a more edgy and a bit risque. Even though they don't say what the two balls represent, it become very apparently early on. Jockey must be wanting to revamp their image. Trying to stray away from being known for their little boys tighty whitey's they seem to be targeting older, more mature men.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Share the Wealth

Tonight my roommate and I decide we would make a delicious, home cooked meal, so we popped on to a cooking website and found a recipe that appealed to us. We unfortunately, automatically assumed that if its on the internet, then its reliable. We didn't take into account that the site was a shareware website. Anyone, anywhere, with any idea for a dish, was able to post something. Now a days this is so common that many of us don't think twice about the creditability of the information we are looking at. To my generation, Wikipedia is a dependable source of truthful information, and Youtube is an educational device. We need to stop and think that people may not know what they are talking, just like our recipe. Needless to say we ended up eating salad.

Spreading the Holiday Cheer

Now a days every business is trying to create some new way to attract customers. Prints ads and commercials just aren't enough anymore. Even Office Max has added a seasonal interactive application where you can create yourself as an elf. It seems to have caught on fast. Within a day two people in different states told me about it. This is one that my boyfriend made out of sheer boredom.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Tables Turning

GDS&M has always been a big deal in Austin. Normally they are getting publicity for the work they are putting out and their fun and interactive organizational culture. Unfortunately now that's not the case now. GSD&M has been laying off people of left and right, and has also been losing them. One agency that has been attracting some of GSD&M's former employees is Door Number 3. I was, and still am, really interested into Door Number 3 for an internship because of their free flowing and light-hearted atmosphere. Their clients are mostly local businesses but looking at their work, no wonder they reputation is growing. Above is some of this work.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Some people just shouldn't be together

There are couples out there that should have never gotten together. There's Britney and K-Fed, Whitney and Bobby, and the couple I witnessed at the Verizon store. I was amazed that these two people would even have the desire to have a relationship together. To start off they didn't even look like they belonged together. She looked like she stepped straight out of a Hawthorne Heights music video with her black hoodie and thick, dark eyeliner. He seemed like he just came back from late night at a fraternity party with his liquid stained, light green polo, and worn in Sperry Top-siders. For the 30 minutes they were there, they bickered and quietly fought over menial things like the photos on his phone and how that one time he blew her off for a concert. If you don't enjoy each other's presence, why drag it on?

Monday, November 19, 2007

Don't judge a book by it's cover

Have you ever wondered if people judge you on the way you look? We all been taught we shouldn't do it, but that doesn't mean we don't. We may look at hairstyles, clothes, tattoos, piercings, gender or even skin color, and jump to some conclusions in our minds. Now a days the importance of equality has been bred into us at a very early age, rightfully so, but does that mean it happens? I'm wondering if the little life lesson of "don't judge a book by it's cover" has really sunk in.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Foggy Night

San Francisco is supposed to be known for their fog, not Austin. When driving home, I could barely see 10 feet in front of me, and it was a bit exhilarating. I know the 20 minute drive to my house so well that the fact that not even the reflectors were visible was not a problem. I would get an adrenaline rush just like on a roller coaster, going up and down the hills towards my house. It felt like I was in a dream, only relying on my instincts. Probably not the best way to drive but it was quite an experience.

I didn't know Christmas was in November.

Christmas seems to be coming earlier and earlier every year. This year I saw shops getting ready for the holiday season before Thanksgiving had occured. Employee's were set up in HEB dressed as elves handing out Christmas cookies and other festive foods a week before Thanksgiving. There was even a Santa walking around the store greeting customers. I understand that businesses are trying to prolong the holiday shopping as long as possible but when is too early? Personally I thought pre-Thanksgiving was too early but it must be working if they bump it up every year.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gifts that keep on giving

Everyone has gotten a gift that they just don't want and just don't know what to do with it. I always get gifts from my uncle that makes me wonder what he was thinking. He gave me a hair braiding kit right I cut my hair short, and a Toy R Us gift card when I turned 15. But those are easily enough regiftable, its the big gifts that are a problem. My boyfriend was given a dog, a dog in which he didn't want, didn't have time to take care of, and didn't know how to take care of. This pug is the most hyper, unruly pet I have ever come across, but unfortunately he is one of the cutest dogs as well. He (my boyfriend) is in a bit of a classic catch 22. He doesn't want to deal with this crazy dog while in college, but also doesn't want to give him away and offend the giver of the gift. My words of advise, always consider the repercussions for the recipient upon getting the gift.

Pressed for ideas and time

Oh the crisis' in a sorority. As homecoming chair, I dealt with many mini crisis' this past week. As stereotypical as it is, we had a great t-shirt debate. No design would satisfy all executive members. I was able to throw together a design last minute that seemed to satisfy both the boys and girls involved. I have had to exercise my creative thinking in various forms. I put to use all of my freshly learned marketing skills to help our candidate campaign, designed and created our float and window design, and created out decorative Peruna. I was certainly unaware of how much stress tissue paper, acrylic paint, and a wooden Peruna could cause.

This is a picture of the shirt that I designed late at night, the night before, using google and word. This a little sad in my awful proof but it turned out well.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ugly Beautiful

It's so difficult to define beauty now a days, especially in fashion. Designers are now producing products that are so out there and so against the traditional fashion rules that they are trendy. Nike as come out with a "classic" style of old school high tops with a new twist on them. Different styles have fannel, neon colors, grid patterns, even some with the Transformer logo. Rather than being sold mainly at athletic stores, they are commonly found in expensive boutiques. These ugly beautiful designs are becoming increasingly more popular, which I tribute to the fact that standing out and being an individual is currently so important.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


There is nothing better than a cup of hot soup on a cold day. It really just warms you all over. It's just like the Campbell's Holiday commercial with the snow man who turns into a kid. Every time I see that commercial I know that Christmas is right around the corner, and to prepared myself for a cold winter with some steaming soup. Mmm mmm..good.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Creative types wear black?

Unless we are in the sixties at a poetry slam I'm not sure this tag line really still applies. Some of the most creative figures decorate themselves with outrageous colors. Elton John and Betsey Johnson are examples of how expressing your creative and innovative way of thinking can be displayed on you. Honestly when I think of the "creative type" I don't think black, I think wild and cutting edge.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Trendy shops, exotic restaurants, and indie music. The West End is thriving with these. It has really created a name for itself as a place to be seen. That's what I have noticed about the majority of people hanging out at the West End. Don't get me wrong I love taking advantage of all the ammenities the West End has to offer. The cool movies that the Magnolia shows and the fact that the Starbucks stays open until 12 is fabulous, but it seems that I always see the same people hanging out down there. I can describe them perfectly. There is a lot of hair gel and striped button downs for the men, and fake tans and perfectly manicured nails for the women. There is usually a child or two bouncing about the outdoor eating while Mommy and Daddy sip on their wine.

Ryan Adams

Love him. Ryan Adam's was one of the most amazing artists I have seen live. Not only he is incredible on his CD's but he is ten times better in concert, if thats even possible. He may be quite a strange character, in fact for most of the concert my boyfriend and I thought it was high out of his mind, but he can still put on an amazing show. We later found out that Ryan has been sober for a few months. He also played three sets and played for so long that he needed to have an intermission. Afterwards we heard he hasn't played this good or long of a concert is years, probably because of the fact that he hasn't been sober. But even without the drugs he still is a little strange. He came out in full leather and chainmail for the second half, and then realized that wasn't the most comfortable outfit so he walked off stage, leaving his band to improvise for a few minutes. He also felt the need to do a power stance before every song. But beyond his odd mannerisms, he is an incredibly talented musician, playing multiple instruments and producing multiple CD's each year.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Anything you can do, I can do better.

Embroidery has recently become a trend. It can be found on jackets and shirts in big name department stores, unfortunately these hand-crafted pieces of clothing are almost always outrageously expensive. I figure I could do that on my own for a fraction of the cost. It is easy enough to do and its pretty fun. One woman, Jenny Heart, recognized how simple it really is, and has created a embroidery packets filled with edgy and fun designs. It's great that this local Austinyte is doing so well with a business that encourages people to get creative.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The most obnoxious songs

Ever feel like there seems to be the same song playing everywhere you go? Right now I can not escape "Hey There Delila". It seems to be on every station at all times. I used to really like the song, but now I can't stand it. It's too bad when a chart topper is played so often it become more annoying then enjoyable. Rolling Stone came up with a list of top 20 most annoying songs. Some grew to be annoying, others started right off annoying.

1. Black Eyed Peas, “My Humps”
2. Los Del Rio, “Macarena”
3. Baha Men, “Who Let The Dogs Out”
4. Celine Dion, “My Heart Will Go On”
5. Nickelback, “Photograph”
6. Lou Bega, “Mambo No. 5″
7. James Blunt, “You’re Beautiful”
8. Spice Girls, “Wannabe”
9. Sisqo, “The Thong Song”
10. Cher, “Believe”
11. Aqua, “Barbie Girl”
12. Chumbawumba, “Tub Thumper”
13. Rednex, “Cotton-Eyed Joe”
14. Eiffel 65, “Blue”
15. Crash Test Dummies, “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm”
16. Meatloaf, “I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)”
17. ‘NSYNC, “Bye, Bye, Bye”
18. Ricky Martin, “Livin’ La Vida Loca”
19. Semisonic, “Closing Time”
20. Wham!, “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go”

I agree with most of it with a few adjustments. Creed most definitely needs to be on there. I'm not sure I know anyone who still supports Creed's musical career. Ja Rul deserves a place on this list as well.

Guilty Pleasures

Guilty Musical Pleasures

Listening to Colbie Caillet as loudly as your stereo will go minutes before your girlfriend hops in the car.

Secretly wishing you could "bring sexy back" just like JT.

Watching the Youtube.com video 20 times until perfected Soulja Boy.

Wanting to bust out Soulja Boy in the clubs, but refraining from looking like a total tool.

Claiming all of the Avril Lavaigne songs on your computer was for your little sister...and you don't even have a little sister.

Loving it when "Gimme More" comes on in the clubs while everyone else boos.

Really wanting to reserve your Spice Girls reunion tour tickets but can't find a legitament excuse as to what you can be doing that night.

Going to a Hanson concert, running into someone you know, and you both getting really embarrassed.

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Green Scheme

Now a days everyone and every business is trying to be environmentally friendly or at least appear are. . Even corporations you would not expect, like Facbeook, is taking a green approach. There is an application that if added to a profile, donates money to foundation that works to eliminate CO2. I'm still not really sure how playing on Facebook saves the world but its worth a try. Barney's New York is also jumping on board. They advertised in Papercity saying "Have a Green Holiday". This seemed they are doing nothing more than just adding this little green blurb to be trendy. There is no explanation why they focused on being. They aren't donating. They aren't conserving energy some how. They are just keeping up with the trends.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Across the Universe

Let me tell you, I was so excited for Across the Universe to come out. Everything about it looked so interesting. The fact it was an original and not a Broadway musical made into movie, or the bright color pallet you really don't see in movies, was really intreging. The effects used in the movie were definitely unique. It almost seemed the special effect crew ran down the list of every possible effect they could do, and crammed it into the movie. It also seemed like the writers so desperately wanted cram as many Beatles songs in as possible, so they created characters who really didn't serve much of a purpose other than their name happened to be mentioned in a song. There was one character named Prudence, who brought nothing to the plot. She just kind of hung out and was weird until they cast broke out in "Dear Prudence".
It is also the type of movie that I feel you either need to be pretty familiar with the 60's, or you need to be high to watch. The movie was very "artsy" and at some points just really strange, but I know there was probably meaning behind most of it that I am just not catching on to. I think its the type of movie you need to see more than once to fully appreciate it all, but for me, I'll wait until it comes out on DVD.

What's in a name?

Red Bull, Twinkies, X Box, iTunes, iPod. These are only some of the brands clearly advertised in the movie Disturbia. These products were at times, obviously turned a certain wa,y or held at a certain angle, so the brand would be clearly seen by the viewer. In most movies it seems they usually use made up brands or blank labels. I know there are reasons behind why manufactures don’t want their label associated with the movie, or the production company doesn’t want to pay to use the brand, but I think it really adds to the movie when both parties are willing. At least for Disturbia, it really helped Shia Le Beouf’s character become more relatable. I know that any guy, if under house arrest, would totally sit around, play X Box, eat Twinkies, drink Red Bull, and listen to their iPod. That whole situation would have lost impact if the movie production company came up with bogus labels for the scene. Not only was it believable, but it was a great advertising opportunity to appeal to teenage boys who would probably be buying all of these products anyways.

"Its 3 am and I want to go to bed"- OAR

3 exams in one day. I most definitely haven't gotten a lot of sleep this week. Last night I got an hour, and things are starting to get a little twisted. My vision is starting to flutter, making everything look its had too much caffeine. I'm a little shaky and delusional but mostly I think that everything is funny. Right now my roommates are probably the funniest things out there. My one roommate is loving this since she quite prides herself on being comical. Even the things that I have been saying I think are really funny.... they definitely aren't meant to be. So I am going to listen to O.A.R. and go to bed.

SMU billboards

I would really like to know who thought it was good idea to have a billboard for SMU saying "We don't tailgate, we boulevard." We already have the reputation of being little, rich, snobby kids, why would we promote it more? Do we really think we are above tailgating and why would all of i75 knowing be a good thing? I really surprised that the football department, or the board of directors or whoever, ended up approving that. I'm just hoping they weren't from Temerlin...

Neighborly love.

Living in an apartment, you may not get to know your neighbors personally, but you still know a lot about them. In our complex our apartment faces out to the courtyard along with many other balconies. Different people use their balconies for different purposes. Some use it as a sitting area to enjoy the sunlight and view of the pool, while others may use it as a spot to enjoy other neighbors. I know it may sound a bit hypocritical since I am kind of doing this as well, but at least I am covert! We have one neighbor who sits on his third floor balcony and will intensely watch anyone who is out on theirs as if they were a prime time drama. Oh but he also has other hobbies such as feeding a lot of birds, which he will pretend to do if you catch him in the act of people watching.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Dyson vacuum

Ok so I have searched and searched, and I cannot find the Dyson squeaky vacuum commercial on the Internet. It used to be on youtube but I suppose Dyson didn't want it floating around. Anyways Dyson's choice of the ever-familiar squeaky toy sound for the replacement of their competitors mechanical whirring was really innovative. It uses vertical intertextuality to demonstrate the weak suction of their competitors. When we hear that annoying little squeaky we think squeaky toy. A squeaky toy, which is usually seen as soft, plushy, furry, cute, little stuffed animal covered in dog spit isn't exactly a flattering way for a vacuum to be portrayed. When buying a vacuum you want something, strong and durable that has some force to it, a funny little squeak doesn't convey that message.


For me inspiration comes from taking a closer look at things around me. For one friend, it comes from listening to music and then trying to write. For another, it comes from the people around her. I love that fact that three different people can look at the same thing and come up with completely different thoughts or ideas. Last night I was trying to get inspired to blog and had been doodling on a piece of paper. My friend grabbed a pen and started elaborating on the squiggles and shapes I had jotted down. A lighting bolt turned into the Specialized bikes logo, which was soon the Gatorade symbol, then it was Superman's chest plate, which turned into the Harry Potter H, and so on and so on. I would have never thought to create the squiggle into most of the things that my friend drew. I while I was looking around the room for inspiration, he was racking his brain for previous experiences. Inspiration does not have a formula, although I'm sure someone, somewhere has tried to define it. Everyone grabs inspirations for different places, which allows us to create things that we wouldn't have been able to create on our own.

Oh Facebook, how we love thee.

The phenomenon of Facebook has changed the world of dating. This is sad but true. Facebook can help a crush bloom or a long distance relationship seem not so far away. It has opened up a new dimension of flirting. There are the flirtatious applications Facebook has made available to show your interest, such as the "poke" and the "super poke", but honestly who uses these except silly friends and super skeezers? Where the real virtual flirting comes into play is in Walling Postings and Messaging. The initial step, of course, is "Friending". After a night out on the town, one may wake up to find a Friend Request, which in itself is a form of flattery. A Friend Request means not only was this person in a clear enough state of mind to remember talking to you, but they enjoyed your company enough to search for you on Facebook. Walling postings like "Hey had a great time with you last night, hope to see you out soon." are common starters for Facebook relationships. You can always tell how interested the other party may be by the length of time between the posting or if they respond at all. Then there are Messages. Messages tend be a bit more of an intimate way to flirt. They are not for public view so there is usually something encrypted in the message that is not Wall material. Plus Messaging can go on for much longer than Wall Posting.
It's funny how we as young adults over analyze everything when it comes to Facebook. Whether it is a friend request or fact that someone got your AIM screen name off your profile, you usually have an idea of what meaning is behind these subtle actions. We think a Wall Posting may determine the direction a relationship is heading, or stress over the idea of making a relationship "Facebook official”. I know I have received calls from friends wanting me to approve their Facebook Wall Posts. That was a bit extreme but my point is Facebook has created a safe environment for flirting. By safe, I mean the chance of one party getting seriously hurt by rejection is lowered because the flirtatious actions are so subtle and, although a bit creepy sometimes, they are usually fairly innocent.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

That's hot.

Roller skates are making a comeback. These outdated means of entertainment suddenly have popped up as a new trendy fashion statement. They are now playfully sexy and fashionably retro. They have shown up in Jessica Simpson's "A Public Affair" video featuring some of the hottest stars cruising around a rink in hot shorts. Even the edgy Kat Von D, along with some of her eccentric clients, of LA Ink have been seen sporting roller skates. In Austin there are the legendary Lonestar Rollergirls. The Rollergirls have managed to build an image that sexy and crazily competitive can go hand in hand. They wear tight shirts and short skirts to derby events. Their reputation has really grown, for it is considered quite an honor to be on the team. Ten years ago people would have thought it was strange a star was sporting roller skates, laughed at the idea of being sexy on a roller derby team, and considered it dated, not edgy, for someone to wear them.


The ad I found for containing a signifier is actually I two page ad that ran side by side. It shows a "speed demon" and a Honda Fit. It is comparing in a iconic way. The speed demon represents what Honda is wanting the customer to associate the car with. The created the demon to look like the car so the viewer would see this.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Today I feel like I had a pay-it-forward moment. It was definitely little and could easily be over looked, but it caught me by surprise. Around noon I realized I wasn't going to be able to eat anything until about 6 that night, so I ran over to Subway in Hughes Trigg to grab a quick meal before my next class. I order my sandwich and grab a drink, and slowly sip on it in line. While the cashier rings up my items I dig through my bag for my wallet but am coming up with nothing. Frantically I search every corner of the bottom of my bag, but recognize it isn't there. Really embarrassed, I explain to the cashier that I don't know where it could possibly be, expecting her to take my sandwich and drink, only to throw it away later, or look to someone else to pick up the tab.... I really don't know what I expected her to do. But instead of doing anything like that, she puts her hand on my shoulder and says, "Just pay me the money tomorrow baby". Like I said, its little but that certainly wasn't the response I expected. Now a days, you don't see trust like that anymore. Most people, I feel, would go find a manager, or have me go find my wallet while they hold it, but she simply had faith that I would in fact come back with the $5. So I sincerely promised her she would see me tomorrow, and believe me, she most definitely will.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Suburbia can be creepy. Highland Park is a perfect example. Perfect little houses with perfect little yards and perfect little people living in them. Everything is just so picturesque. Too picturesque. A few nights ago we went exploring in this pristine little world and stumbled upon some pretty weird stuff. Someone, at sometime, thought that one thing that Highland Park was missing was creepy statues. Grant it these statues probably aren't meant to be creepy, but come across them at night in the dimly lit area they reside in, and boy, are they eerie. There are the bronze, emaciated elves randomly entertaining themselves with a variety of items such as a bugle, a squirrel, and a giant turtle. Then there's the giant teddy bears tucked away by the pond. I would love to know who thought Highland Park was in need of a huge teddy statue. But one of the weirdest things of all is the structure right next to the teddy bears. It's a big, brick warehouse looking building. At first I figured it was a water generator considering there is a waterfall on one side, but then I started to notice the artistic and carefully placed graffiti on the walls. Quotes about clay and water stretch across the walls, skimming the top of a steel door in the middle. There are no windows, and a strange metal roof lines the top. If you follow the metal walkaway at the far edge of the structure, it will lead you to an even stranger building. This house is shaped as a industrial pyramid, with multiple concrete tears and grass growing out of the top of each tear. It's apparent this is a residence only because of the address number on the side of the walkway, and the garbage and recycling cans placed out on the curb. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a home like this with no windows and tucked away from plain view. "That looks like a place you would go into and never come out.", my friend said. I never would have imagined I would run into such a strange place in the heart of Highland Park, but I guess even Suburbia is not as what it seems.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Last night, we ventured to The Angelika to see something other than a Will Ferrell comedy or Denzel Washington action-drama. Once, the movie we ended up choosing, really took us by surprise. This movie has been compared to Garden State, so we were expecting to be left thinking about life. They were able accomplish this in a really unique way. The writers were able to create these very relatable characters. Neither one of the two main characters were put on a pedestal; each had their own flaws and problems, problems that the average human being struggles with in their life. You could definitely sense there was chemistry between the two, but, as the viewer, I wasn't really sure if I wanted anything to happen between them. They developed this symbiotic relationship helping themselves, while helping one another at the same time. The duo was able to make beautiful music together, literally. The music created in the movie is unbelievable. Props to whoever wrote all the original songs.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Those were the days.

In hopes of making a little extra spending cash, I nanny two days a week. Arjun (2) and Rohan (4) are two of the little boys I sit for. They are at that age where nothing is as it seems. A plate can turn into a Frisbee, toothpaste can be paint, and a toy dinosaur can be your best friend. Their little imaginations surprise me everyday. I taught them about forts, a childhood staple, and soon enough blankets were protection shields and pillows were impenetrable walls. Their shanty shelter was made out of nothing but a fleece blanket and the support of the surrounding furniture, but yet they managed to transform it into a plush, cushiony palace. They smuggled food, toys, and stuffed animals underneath, creating a world that only the two of them knew and were allowed in. Watching them create this elaborate setting, it brought back the similar times when I was younger and did the same thing. I remembered how having a space all your own, like a fort or clubhouse, was one of the most fun aspects of childhood. Secret worlds and alternative lives were created between you and your friends, only to end when Mom called you in for dinner.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Leave Britney Alone!"

I know I tend to use the word "obsessed" too commonly. I'll use it to describe my roommates interested in everything Green. I'll use it for my love for Arctic Monkeys. I'll, as well as my others, will over use it to the point of diminishing it's impact, but today I saw a real act of obsession. On the youtube video Britney Fan Cries, this fan really demonstrates what it means to be obsessed to the point of disillusionment. He cries and yells for Britney's pain, and defends her actions as if they were his own. Quite possibly the best part of the entire plea is the fact that he is clearly filming this from underneath his bed-sheets. More than likely this poor fan is no more than 15, and hiding under his blankets in order to drown out pounding fists of his parents on his bedroom door.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

All good things must come to an end.

Even though I live for ACL, I don't know how much more my body could take. My feet permanently hurt, my legs were stiff, and my shoulders, nose, and chest are sunburn, but it's totally worth it. The last day consisted of a beautiful performance by Ben Kweller, with no nose bleeds this time. It is incredible to me that he is able to put on such a good show even with such horrible "allergies". Bloc Party was after Ben and they may have put on one of the most exciting shows. The lead singer ended up running down the middle of the crowd with microphone in hand, still singing. We caught a few minutes of Regina Spektor, which was more than enough for me. She is such a talented artist but she acted like a four year old playing with a microphone for about a third of her performance. She made odd noises and would repeat the same phrase over and over and over and over again. It was rather disappointing. Wilco was much better. They were vivacious and energetic, but the best part of all was Marc Zupan from Murderball was there watching right in front of me. To end the festival, we laid out on the grass and listened to Bob Dylan, couldn't understand a word he said, but it was still a nice way to end things.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Concert etiquette is so funny. The second day of ACL I spent most of my time keeping my front row spot at the same stage, which was a task. After standing in the same spot for 5 hours, I got to know the people around me. We watched Paolo Nutini with a girl wearing all black in 95 degree weather. Frankly I am quite surprised she didn't keel over and pass out. Then for Blue October we made our way to the front row to meet a group of people camping out for a concert that was 4 hours later at that same stage. They chose to not stand during Blue October causing the people around them to get a bit agitated to say the least. Although I thought it was weird, I never thought people would be complaining that they could see better since the people in front of them were sitting down. This group held their ground even though fighting words were exchanged. We actually ended up befriending this group and found that even though they came off tough, they were really quite nice, even offered us their food. Eventually, they stood up once the Arctic Monkey's came on, and probably taught the complaining people a lesson since most of them stood at around 5'11.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

It's finally here!

Today, I am that little kid that who is finally entering the gates to Disneyland. ACL has finally begun and of course it started off with a bang, literally. As we walk through the entrance, we see a huge cloud of smoke. Apparently a port-a-potty blew up.... that’s unfortunate...Moving beyond that incident, we were off to see Pete Yorn, John Ralston, M.I.A., Spoon, and The Killers. Pete Yorn was unexpectedly good, M.I.A. unfortunately bad, and The Killers utterly amazing! I was really disappointed with M.I.A.'s performance. She was pitchy, and frankly, I could attempt more impressive dance moves. Running in place is not a dance move, it’s a cardio exercise! The Killers most definitely lived up to their notable reputation. With an eccentric stage design, and the band member's high energy, Brandon Flowers had the crowded sea of listeners jumping and dancing with excitement. Along with the running from concert to concert, we ran into a few characters as well, old few from high school, few from college, and of course Leslie, Austin’s legendary cross dresser. You gotta love everything about ACL.

Government Property

I'm not a terribly rebellious person, but sometimes there are those moments where a little mischief can be just what is needed, and for some reason stealing government property always seems to do. My friends and I decided one night that everyone in our group needed a "Westlake Dr." street sign, after a little engineering and a lot of pep talks we wound up with about 5. Unfortunately one of my best friends ended up getting pulled over with one of them sitting in the back of her car... police don’t approve this recreational activity. Another case of confiscating government proper is when one of my friends wanted to get a state flag before he left to go out to college out of state. He soon realized how expensive real, genuine flags were. So he hopped over to the softball field at 3 am and pulled down the one there, only later to have his mother discover his prize and order him to return it to it's proper place back on the field.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Just waiting

In less than 24 hours I will be having the time of my life. In less than 24 hours is Austin City Limits. This 3 day concert is consistently one of the main highlights of my year, but the day before is always the worst. Every year the Thursday before ACL I find myself uncontrollably antsy and anxious. It's not the stressful, sick feeling of anxiety but the excited, unable to sit still anxiety. It's like when you were a little kid and it’s the night before you go to Disneyland. You can't sleep, can't relax, and can't stop yourself from driving your parents crazy. Now instead of jumping on my bed or running circles around the room, I find myself attempting to keep myself occupied other ways. Watching TV doesn't do it for me. The Internet becomes boring quickly, after all Facebook kind of loses its flare after the first 30 times of checking it in under an hour. Luckily for me our pantry is fairly bare, so resorting to eating out of sheer boredom is out of the question. Before I knew it, I found myself with a pen and paper sketching anything from ideas for a Homecoming float to an invitation I have been putting off designing. Having finally found something that could keep my mind busy, I wound up at Michaels the craft store. I skimmed the aisles grabbing paper, cheap little projects, and ribbons. I found that doing something to express my creativity and especially to use my brain was what kept me entertained the most, not TV or Facebook, although Facebook stalking can be pretty entertaining at times.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Why don't celebrities think for once?

For some reason I am still shocked when celebrities do things so crazy and senseless. I am accustom to Lindsey, Paris, and Nicole's ridiculous stunts and encounters with the law, and Britney's catastrophe of a dance routine was sadly not unexpected. For her sake, I hoped that she would have put all her effort forth in order to redeem herself from the unflattering reputation she has gained over the past few years, but no, she didn't. Maybe she was unaware that it was no longer rehearsal, and marking it wouldn't cut it? Maybe her costume designer felt is would be better to let everything hang out rather than cram everything into a tight jumpsuit? These burning questions will probably remain unsolved mysteries, but my real question is surprisingly not about Britney. It's about a young, deceivingly innocent, girl named Vanessa Hudgens. Star of the huge hit High School Musical, Vanessa felt it would be an attractive and, apparently, smart idea to send nude photos of herself over the Internet to her co-star and boyfriend Zac Efron. My questions for Miss Hudgens: "What were you thinking?" I mean seriously, you work for DISNEY! You starred in a movie made for pre-teens! Memorabilia with your face on it is sold at Libby Lu and Limited Two! Did you really think the internet is that secure that it wouldn't get out? The photo above is the absolute MILDEST of the bunch. She allegedly took these drastic measures in order to keep Zac interested, but unfortunately she probably will not only loose her boyfriend because of the photos, but also her career. Disney may claim that they are standing by her, but she will most definitely be loosing most of her fan base, and I have to imagine that Zac is being advised to separate himself from her in order to save his own reputation. It's really sad that young girls, who thought they found a respectable role model, will be learning from her in order to maintain a relationship you need to compromise and demean yourself for him.